Front-End Development
Berlin Airlift Remembered
A website that celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the Berlin Airlift
A project developed in conjunction with the Royal Air Force Museum,(RAFM), the AlliiertenMuseum e.V. (AM), the Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr (MHM Gatow), and the National Museum of the United States Airforce (NMUSAF), to mark the 75th anniversary of the Airlift in 2023 and 2024.
I developed the front-end for this multilingual website while I was a contractor front-end developer for Octophin Digital Ltd., a London-based web and data agency.
Octophin Digital Ltd.
Technologies/Hard Skills
Wagtail, HTML, CSS, Sass, JS, Tailwind, Webpack, GitHub
Soft Skills
Team coordination, Communication, Time management, Creativity, Teamwork, Problem-solving, Proactivity, Flexibility
Simon Collison
Visual Studio, Figma, Slack, Basecamp, GitHub